10.11.4. Storage of the rechargeable battery

The rechargeable batteries which are not used a long time (for example, at statement of the car on preservation), samorazryazhatsya and can sulfatirovatsya at the same time. If these rechargeable batteries are charged with the fast-charging device, then they do not accept charging current or through so-called superficial charging will be quickly "completely" charged. They are faulty.

Before recognizing them faulty it is necessary:

 – to check electrolyte density. If electrolyte density in all banks differs no more than on 0,02 g/ml, then the rechargeable battery can be charged with the ordinary charger;
 – to check the rechargeable battery after charging for loading. If values are not maintained, it is faulty:
 – if electrolyte density in one or two next banks strongly differ (for example, 5 cans show 1,16 g/ml, and one 1,08 g/ml), then the rechargeable battery has short circuit and is faulty.

In order to avoid aging of the battery to recharge the stored rechargeable battery each 3 months.