10.1. System of electric equipment

Under a concept of tension of the car tension of the rechargeable battery, as a rule, means. It is at the same time about constant tension about 12 V. Velichina of tension of the battery depend on charging and external temperature. It can make from 10 to 13 V. Generator creates tension of onboard network about 14 V on average turns.

Current is specified on a reverse side of safety locks and indicates the maximum current which can pass a chain without combustion of a safety lock and separation, thereby, of a chain.

Resistance depends on the following factors: cross section of a wire, material of the conductor, consumer of current etc. For example, resistance in wires of high voltage should not be too big: otherwise the ignition spark on spark plugs will be insufficiently strong for ignition of air-fuel mix and the engine is not started or works with interruptions.

For measurements on sale are available, so-called, multi-purpose measuring devices. They unite the voltmeter, the ampermeter and an ohmmeter in one device.

Multi-purpose devices by means of which engine turns, a corner of an advancing of ignition and, besides, tension up to 20 Century can be measured are intended for cars. At measurement of resistance the device is, as a rule, limited to kiloomny area 1–1000 kOhm.

If it is necessary to check only presence of tension (V), then for this purpose it is enough to use a control lamp. It belongs only to chains in which there are no electronic blocks as they are exclusively sensitive to high currents. Under certain conditions blocks can even be put out of action as a result of connection of a control lamp.