10:16. Speedometer roller


The wrong arrangement of the roller of a speedometer will lead to emergence of noise in the field of a speedometer, to fluctuation here and there arrows of a speedometer and breakage of the roller.


1. To push a hand under a guard of devices. To disconnect plastic coupling of the roller of a speedometer on a guard of devices (to squeeze side edges) and to take out the roller from a guard of devices.
2. To unscrew coupling (1) of the roller of a speedometer in a cowl, near a broad tank of brake fluid and to take out the roller together with rubber consolidation (2) from a cross wall.
3. The roller of a speedometer is divided into two parts. To unscrew the lower part of the roller on the transmission from the driving case of the right half shaft to the engine.
4. To notice a speedometer roller arrangement in a cowl.
5. To release the speedometer roller in a cowl from clips, if necessary to cut cable clips.


1. To insert the speedometer roller towards salon, to press rubber consolidation in an opening.
2. To insert the roller into a speedometer and to stop.


The roller has to be stopped. To check reliability of fastening of the roller, having pulled for it.

3. To screw together together parts of the roller in a cowl. Check correctness of an arrangement of the roller in a cowl.
4. To screw the roller on the transmission.